Support for The Internet Solution
It is our goal to provide you with the highest level of support possible. To
better serve you, we have created this knowledge base that addresses almost every
support issue that could possibly arise. Please take a look through the outline
on the left, and see if you can find the answer to your question. If you get stuck,
feel free to submit the easy to use support form on the right, or to contact us
by telephone at 800-959-6597.
The Internet Solution:
Commercial Internet Solutions, Inc.
9051 Watson Rd #318
St Louis, MO 63126
Telephone: 314-962-9997
1. Configure your store settings
- Overview
- General Settings
- Shipping
- Sales Tax
- Payment Methods
2. Setup your product catalog
- Catalog Overview
- Product Categories
- Adding/Editing Products
- Adding products to your pages
- Import/Export
3. Manage your orders
- Orders Overview
- Processing Orders
- Viewing Order Information
- Customer Database
- Orders Export
Store Settings Overview
To access your store settings, click the store tab on top of the site editor and
then click one of the setting options.
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>> General Settings
Currency: Enter your store currency symbol here.
There default currency is "$". This will be displayed on all of your stores shopping
cart and checkout pages.
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Shopping Cart Indicator: The shopping
cart indicator lets visitors to your site see how many items they have in their
shopping cart while they are browsing your site. It also gives them easy access
to your store checkout pages.
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Inventory Control: Check this box to enable
inventory control. Inventory control will notify you when your inventory reaches
a minimum threshold point. After selecting this box you must set the current inventory
level for each item in your product catalog. Once the inventory reaches zero no
more orders will be accepted for this item until you reset the inventory level to
a number greater than zero.
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Store Policies: If you have policies that
you want to communicate to your visitors enter them here. These policies are displayed
during the checkout process.
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Customize Checkout Options: Enter
a special message to be displayed during the checkout process. Set your store up
to collect additional information from your shoppers.
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Store Emails: Enter the default text and from
address for your order completion emails.
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>> Shipping
Shipping Overview: Your store can automatically
calculate shipping rates for customers based on the products that they have ordered.
You can setup multiple shipping calculations on the number items, the dollar amount
ordered, and the total product weight. In order for this to work correctly after
you set up the options you choose, please be sure to read everything thoroughly.
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Your Options are as follows:
1) UPS
(United Parcel Service) automated shipping calculator: If you have enabled
UPS automated shipping calculations all other shipping methods are disabled and
will not be available for shoppers at checkout. The automated shipping amount is
calculated by "Weight" of a product ONLY. Therefore if you use this option for shipping
calculations, you must first set up ALL of your products with a weight of the product
first before setting up this option.
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2) Calculate shipping at ship time:
Calculated at ship time means that the order would not be charged for shipping
until you ship the order, which you would then calculate and bill separately to
the buyer.
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Flat rate shipping based on the order, or total items ordered: Flat rate
shipping allows you to setup the rates to use for calculating shipping. Each item
ordered will have the same shipping applied.
a) Flat rate per order - add on a fixed amount of shipping to the order regardless
of what is in the order
b) Flat rate per item - add on shipping based on the number of items X the rate
(3 items in the order and a rate of $3/item would be $9 shipping)
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4) Table based shipping: Use table
based shipping to modify the shipping calculations based on the amount ordered.
Ex. If visitors order more items they may get discounted shipping. To setup shipping
enter a shipping name, select the calculation type, enter the ranges and set the
shipping rate for each range.
a) Sub-Total of order - i.e., if an order subtotal is $0.01 - $5.00 and you want
shipping cost to be $3.00, other totals would then follow in sequence such as -
$5.01 - $10.00 = $3.50, and $10.01 - $15.00 = $3.75, etc and for any order form
say $50.01 - $9999.00 you can have a cap of $20.00, etc.
b) Total items ordered: i.e., item amounts ordered of 1- 5, = $3.00, 6 - 10 =
$3.50, etc, etc, with your cap of say 20 - 9999 = $25.00.
c) Total Weight - i.e., products that weigh 1- 5 lbs,, would be 1.0 - 5.0 = $1.00
(per lb.), 5.01 - 10.0 = $1.25 (per lb) etc, with the cap being something like,
20.01 - 999.0 = $5.00 (per lb) etc. You can get weight table shipping costs sheet
from the post office. (Again, if you choose to have calculations done by the weight
of each product, you would need to set up each product with a weight.)
However, if you use your own shipping calculations, you should make sure that
all named options such as FedEx 3day air, and 5 Day FedEx, etc ALL use the same
type of calculations that the shipper calculates costs by, such as Total Weight.
Also try and keep your setup as simple as possible and do NOT mix shipping calculation
types. i.e., do not use total weight, for one table or option and total items and
sub total price for others, etc.
Try and stick with one calculation on all options, EITHER - Total Weight, Total
Items, OR Sub Total.
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>> Sales Tax
Setting up tax zones: If you need to
collect sales tax on orders enter the information here. You can setup multiple sales
tax zones and tax rates. Select your zone type, either a state, or a specific zip
code, enter the sales tax rate for that zone and then click the add button. Orders
made by customers in these zones will automatically include sale tax.
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>> Payment Methods
Payment Methods Overview: The payment
methods screen allows you to configure the payment options that will be available
to your customers.
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Payment Types: Check the payment types that
you will accept or enter custom payment types.
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Payment Gateway: Payment gateways allow
you to process credit card transactions directly from your web site. The gateway
will verify credit cards and submit the transactions directly to your account. If
you have a gateway account enter the information on this screen. Click to test connection
button to verify that you are setup properly for the gateway.
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Catalog Overview: To take orders from your
site you must setup your product catalog. There will be a product catalog entry
for each individual item that you wish to sell from your site.
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Product Categories: Organize your products
with categories. Place similar products in the same category. This allows you to
keep these products together on your site. To add a category click the add category
link. You can select to create a new page with this category on it if you wish.
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Adding/Editing Products: To add
or edit a product first select the product category for this product. To add a product
click the add link, or click edit to modify information about a product. For each
product you can enter a name, description, price, options, and images.
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Adding products to your pages:
To add products to your pages, click the site editor, select the page where you
want to place the products and click the edit page button. From the page editor
click the add button and then select ecommerce. You can either add an entire product
category or any individual product to this page. Product can be listed on multiple
Import/Export: If you have a lot of products
to add to your site you can enter all of that information from a product import
file. To import a file click the Import/Export link. This page will give you information
about importing and sample import files to show you the file format.
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Orders Overview: Whenever a customer checks
out from your store a new order is created on your site. You will be notified via
email when new orders have been made. To process/view your orders click the store
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Viewing Order Information: To
view orders click the store tab and then manage orders. All new orders will be listed.
Click an order to view the customer and their order contents. You will see what
they ordered and how much each product costs as will as sales tax and shipping charges.
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Processing Orders: You can process your
orders manually, print them out and fulfill them. If you have setup a credit card
payment gateway, hit the complete button to have the customers credit card charged.
Once you have completed the order you can hit the archive button to add this order
to your order history.
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Customer Database: Each customer that
orders from your site will be added to your customer database. Click account information
to view customer information and an order history.
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Orders Export: You can export orders from
your site by clicking the Import/Export link. All orders are exported in two files.
The order file contains one entry for each order and the details file contains one
entry for each item that has been ordered. These files can be linked together with
the order number.
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