Client Success Stories & Testimonials
The following letters were received by users of The Internet Solution. If
you have been happy with our service, and would like to let us know, please
contact us.
The Great Falls Swim and Tennis Club is a private pool and tennis club with approximately
425 families as members. The club wanted a web presence to provide better communication
with our members. As a new board member, I volunteered to explore alternatives and
implement a new website. The club had attempted a similar project two years earlier
but the website was never launched. No one at the club, including myself, had any
real experience creating a website.
Our club wanted a website that could be built and maintained by someone without
any experience, had the look and feel of a professionally designed site, and didn't
require any software. I viewed hundreds of club websites, looked at many website
design services and software programs, and evaluated several hosting alternatives.
I searched and tried several different alternatives. For our needs, The Internet
Solution far exceeded any other options.
The toolset contained within The Internet Solution is as easy to use as a word processing
package but provides sophisticated functionality. The Internet Solution's template-based
approach makes the site appear to have been designed by a professional. Since no
software is required, it's a practical solution for a club where different people
are responsible for maintaining different parts of the site.
The feedback from our club has been fantastic. An initial version of our site was
created with The Internet Solution in a single afternoon and surpassed what our
club had been attempting to do for 2 years. With the templates and pre-defined options
provided by The Internet Solution, we were able to have functionality that the club
didn't know was possible.
Service from The Internet Solution has been very responsive. My questions are always
answered promptly. The site is always available and everything works exactly as
it should. I would highly recommend The Internet Solution.
Rob Knapp
Board Member
Great Falls Swim and Tennis Club
Ease of use with creative tools at your disposal - that's how I would describe
my experience with creating a functional, fluid and informative website for our
business with The Internet Solution. I love that we have the ability to update our
site whenever it needs tweaking. I can give my site a complete makeover in a matter
of minutes. I also save money by not having to hire a web designer.
Thank you,
Jeff Raatz, Owner
Big League Productions
In January '02 our company, Wild Rush Seafoods LLC, chose The Internet Solution
as the company to create our web site. We initially chose The Internet Solution
for several reasons. The company offered a free no obligation trial period to try
the product and actually build a web site. This was very important to us, since
we had no experience whatsoever with domain names, designing a web site, and knowing
about all the pitfalls and marketing opportunities available to a company using
the internet.
During this time we realized that we made a good choice! The setup of the web site
was very simple. The templates you have, that we can easily customize to our special
needs, were very helpful. We liked the fact that we needed NO experience or knowledge
of computer language to design a web site. Just having the basic skills of typing
a letter such as this, and the basic ability of using a mouse to point and click
to build a web site was great.
All the things a person should look for when shopping for a company to host a web
site such as price, technical support, ease of use, marketing assistance, design,
e-commerce setup, and more are all here in one package that exceeded our expectations!
The fact that everything from start to finish, along with continuing excellent technical
and marketing support, all in one company, has made using The Internet Solution
a very satisfactory experience for us. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Terry McIntosh
Wild Rush Seafoods
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Michael Thomas; I run a business
on eBay and now have my own web site with the help of The Internet Solution. I would
like to tell you a story and explain a few simple facts about my business and my
relationship with The Internet Solution.
I have been doing business on eBay since July 1999. I've used everything from BeSeen,
Yahoo, Netscape and even AOL to attempt to present my business and make an eCommerce
site. In the beginning it was fun because I got to learn HTML the hard way. There
was a lot of trial and error before the site looked presentable for the general
public to view. When I mean presentable, you know, when you make a site and view
on Netscape, it looks perfect, then you view on AOL or Internet Explorer, you scratch
your head and say how in the heck did I do that? LOL
So I gave up trying to make an eCommerce web site and used my own site as a storage
place for my graphic files and database. I never gave up searching for a simple
to use web site that fit my needs. I searched and searched, spent $1000.00 for a
Web Site and got nothing but a big headache. As you know, time is money and communication
with your customers is a big factor.
The key to my success has been to offer a quality product, inform the customer
that they have won an auction or that their order has been received, email them
a tracking number when I ship the item and just keep the customers informed from
start to finish. From the "thank you for the purchase" to "here is your tracking
number". Remember that you don't have any idea who is on the other side of the screen.
Communication is top priority.
So one day I'm playing on the computer, searching for a Web Site hosting service
and come across The Internet Solution. I see that they offer a Full Ecommerce Web
Site and Hosting Service. At first I'm thinking, "YEA RIGHT", so my interest is
there and I click on the link. I get to this page and it says try me for 10 days
free. FREE, cool…. Can beat that!
After about an hour of playing, changing and uploading my pictures, I just created
an eCommerce site. It was live, ready to accept payments from Paypal, Money Orders
or my Merchant Account. I was so amazed with the ease and ability to change, add
or delete at will, I sent my payment that night.
In the next few days, I changed the colors, appearance and graphics of the site.
Fine tuning to my preferences. I can change the whole site with a click of a button.
All the links and images correspond to each other. Very COOL! There are so many
styles to choose from, I think I did all of them just to see what the program would
do. Now that I'm content with my website, I'm waiting for my first order. I'm waiting,
still waiting……Nothing…………..I'm getting depressed. Then I get an email from The
Internet Solution reminding me that I need to register with the search engines.
Minor detail over looked……..LOL, it's like having a phone number and no one knows
the number. The Internet Solution provides a search engine submission service with
the purchase. After registering with the search engines, bingo… comes the
hits and page views.
My first order came two weeks after signing up. This was the neat part. I was able
to send my customer an email thanking them for the order, another email when payment
was received and the last email when I shipped the product along with a tracking
Summing it up, if you want a fast, easy to use, easy to change, web site, The Internet
Solution has my vote.
Best Regards,
Michael Thomas
Hometronix, Inc.
Loose International Inc. is a relatively new company, just over a year old. In
laying some of the ground work for the company, we visited "theinternetsolution"
on the web in hopes of creating a workable website. As president, I am very comfortable
wearing many hats, but web design is not one of them. Still, I found that maneuvering
through the layout and design templates was very user friendly. Within a few hours
I had chosen the format, customized the color, and imported a few graphics into
my site.
Within a week's time, Loose International Inc. was on the web. I have received
numerous comments from customers regarding the professional appearance and ease
of use of our website. They would be astounded to know that this was our very first
effort at having an internet presence. They'll never know!!!!!
The look and feel of a company's website says a lot about them to their potential
customers. I am extremely proud of how our site will undoubtedly represent my business
to visitors. The Internet Solution is a solid product, and has enabled my company
to showcase itself in a very professional manner. Thank you for making this entire
process intimidation-free for dum-dums like me!! (smile)
Torrence D. Daniels, President
Loose International Inc.
The experience that we, American Coach Co., have
had with The Internet Solution has been so positive that we felt that it was important to
express our appreciation for the service rendered. As a fast growing company we
decided that now was the time to open a website for our business. Many options were
explored from hiring an independent web designer, to using various web companies,
to even purchasing how-to manuals. The prospect of starting a web site was daunting
at best. During this search your company seemed to stand out from the rest.
Finding your company was as easy as going on the Internet. Your site had easy-to-
follow instructions and templates. Without having any formal training in website
design or setup, we were amazed at the ease that we were able to design our own
website to fit our particular needs. What we initially thought would be a technical
and complicated process, you have made extremely "user friendly". The few times
that we needed to talk to someone for help, a friendly consultant was immediately
available to professionally help us to do what we desired. Being able to work
with our website for a grace period before being charged, also indicated that your
company was professional and had confidence in its service. All these factors enabled
us to quickly set up a website that was tailored to our needs. Now that our website
is running, the ease that we are able to continually edit and monitor its use is
To anyone considering setting up a website, we would always recommend The
Internet Solution for its ease of use, professional services, and competitive price.
Peter Goring
American Coach Company Ltd.