Fully Integrated Storefront & Shopping Cart
If you have been searching for an eCommerce storefront and shopping cart system
that will manage your inventory, automatically maintain a database-driven catalog,
and process online orders with ease, then you have come to the right place. The
storefront and shopping cart that is included with The Internet Solution is one
of the most feature-rich carts that you will find, and it is a breeze to use. Perhaps
the greatest feature of the cart system is that it comes fully integrated into your
new website. You don't have to purchase any additional software, or install any
scripts, everything has been done for you!
Here are just some of the basic features of our integrated Storefront & Shopping
- Product Catalog
- Database Driven
- Unlimited Categories
- Up to 1,000 Products
- Inventory Management
- Import/Export Products
- Sale/Promotions Management
- Featured Products
- Shopping Cart
- Fully Integrated
- Multiple Payment Methods
- MasterCard
- Discover
- American Express
- Check
- Money Order
- Purchase Order
- C.O.D
- PayPal
- Custom Payment Methods
- Merchant Account Gateway Support
- Authorize.net
- BeanStream
- Echo
- EFT Secure
- eWay
- eProcessingNetwork.com
- FastCharge
- InternetSecure
- iTransact
- LinkPoint
- Network Merchants
- PayPal Payments Pro
- Plug'nPay
- PRI Merchants
- Processing.net
- Protx-VSP Direct
- SecPay
- Skipjack
- USA ePay
- Verisign Australia
- Verisign PayFlow Pro
- viaKlix
- WorldPay
- Multiple Shipping Methods
- Flat Rate
- Table Based
- Shipping Calculators
- Email Notifications
- Sales Tax Management
- Online Order Manager
- Batch Processing
- Export Orders to CSV (example)
- Customer Database
- Order History
- Search Orders/Customers
- Mailing List Integration

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to view screenshot

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to view screenshot

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to view screenshot
If you are serious about internet commerce, then you have probably looked at
hundreds of shopping carts such as: Miva Merchant, Cart-it, Commerce.cgi,
IntraLinks AccuCart, eDatCat, Commission Cart, iShopBuilder, etc. The cost of
the cart software alone is often as much as $500, plus the cost to integrate them
into your website. The advantage of The Internet Solution's Storefront & Shopping
Cart system is that it comes fully integrated into your website at no additional
cost. If you want the ability to process orders online, you need only select the
eCommerce service plan for $49.95 per month instead of the standard $39.95 per month